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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#42 fixed Convert debathena-linerva to the new config-package-dev interface tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 16 years ago.


The debathena-linerva package should be converted to use the new config-package-dev interface, described at Instructions are available at

#43 fixed Convert debathena-linerva-pam-config to the new config-package-dev interface tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 16 years ago.


The debathena-linerva-pam-config package should be converted to use the new config-package-dev interface, described at Instructions are available at

#51 fixed Move linerva's Athena build chroot to schroot tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 16 years ago.


We should replace the Athena build chroot access mechanism on Linerva (currently using athmode, a custom C program written by tabbott) with schroot. This probably involves:

  • Testing the athena chroot installer available in /mit/debathena/packages/config/athena-chroot, and getting an Athena chroot setup on mega-man (or a sipb-xen VM).
  • configuring schroot to make sure /mit, /afs, and /tmp are mounted in the chroot and that they forward the KRB5CCNAME and KRBTKFILE environment variables.
  • writing scripts to replace the sendmail, lastlog, and athmode programs by calling the appropriate program inside the chroot (all three should be very simple wrappers around schroot).
  • It may be useful to backport schroot from lenny; this for example makes the mountpoint task easier.
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