Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (28 - 30 of 1145)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#411 wontfix We should honor $PRINTER, including in the GUI if possible jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


Currently, $PRINTER is honored only on the command line (and the GTK "Print to LPR" backend). We should do something clever such that CUPS knows about $PRINTER, or at the very least we should propagate printer cluster info to CUPS.

#825 fixed We need to support WPA2 on the login screen jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


In the new world order, the MIT ssid as we know it will be vanishing, and MIT SECURE will be renamed to MIT. The MIT GUEST network will continue to exist, but we already know that blocks AFS, etc. and is not useful to use. So, going forward, we'll need to find some clever way to bring up WPA2 at the boot screen. I haven't tested it yet, so it may be as simple as "Use the NM applet and it just works".

I don't have a timeline on this yet, so the milestone is tentative. I'm attempting to get more info.

#783 fixed We need a recovery hook jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


We need a somewhat reliable hook for when machines explode. This can be something like:

  • a script in AFS that gets sourced at boot time (and thus any failure is as simple as "reboot the machine")
  • a script in AFS that gets sourced by cron periodically
  • a script in AFS that gets sourced by auto-update (to fix things prior to an update).

This could potentially also minimize the need for us to do stupid version-specific things in maintainer scripts when we screw up.

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