Custom Query (1145 matches)
Results (43 - 45 of 1145)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#68 | fixed | AUTO_UPDATE_AUTOCONF should be a version number (2.13 or 2.50), not 1 | andersk | |
Description |
Most of our packages have the line "AUTO_UPDATE_AUTOCONF = 1". It should actually be a version number, such as "AUTO_UPDATE_AUTOCONF = 2.50" or "AUTO_UPDATE_AUTOCONF = 2.13", because CDBS runs
#69 | fixed | DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROL displeases the gods of Debian | andersk | |
Description |
As described in Debian #311724, Debian doesn't like the DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROL feature that modifies debian/control at build time. We might consider removing it from our debian/rules files and only invoking it manually with
Even if we decide not to remove it, we should probably change its value from "1" to "yes" because the documentation suggests that is more conventional. |
#71 | fixed | should only strip the last DEB_DIVERT_EXTENSION | tabbott | |
Description |
This problem makes the current debathena-linerva-pam-config not work. And probably debathena-linerva, too. |