Custom Query (1145 matches)
Results (46 - 48 of 1145)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#883 | worksforme | Keyboard is unusable at greeter on a 755 | jdreed | |
Description |
I don't know if this is hardware-specific or what. But on my Dell 755 running up-to-date Natty, I see the following behavior at the greeter: If I type my password or attempt to do anything, it appears unresponsive. If I actually press each key for at least 1 second, the keypress event registers and I can log in. Once logged in, everything functions normally. So something awesome is going on, but I don't have enough data to report a bug. It occurs with multiple (known-good) keyboards, and began manifesting sometime between March 1 and now. |
#893 | worksforme | CUPS is now unwilling to have no default printer | geofft | |
Description |
On linerva (CUPS 1.3.8): >>> import cups >>> cups.Connection().getDefault() >>> On tyger (CUPS 1.4.4): >>> import cups >>> cups.Connection().getDefault() 'Adobe_PDF_7_0' >>> I think this is also true of Maverick/Natty?. This breaks our code that tells you to go set a default printer, and makes lpr with no -P argument instead go to some random untrusted printer, which is a bit of a problem. (Alternatively, it's entirely possible CUPS 1.3.x does this, and linerva simply isn't on a subnet where anyone else is broadcasting printers.) We should debug and report this regression upstream, and then figure out if we care to work around it locally. |
#899 | worksforme | regapplet text is borked | jdreed | |
Description |
See bugs:27557 for a full description, but basically text is truncated halfway through the second line in the Reg Applet. I don't think this is related to #650. However, it's possible that we're losing because the window is getting painted with textsize calculated for a single line of text (the initial value in TextBlock?). And it works in appletviewer, so this will be hard to debug. It's possible that the actual subject of this ticket should be "Someone should make the Reg Applet not use ca.-1996 Java code." |