Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#320 worksforme use software from Athena: file exists while symlinking yinchun

Reported by yinchun, 15 years ago.



After I renew and add matlab, it says:

matlab_v7.8: Could not attach locker: File exists while symlinking /afs/ to /mit/matlab_v7.8 acro: Could not attach locker: File exists while symlinking /afs/ to /mit/acro infoagents: Could not attach locker: File exists while symlinking /afs/ to /mit/infoagents

Anything wrong here?

#658 workaround Users must authenticate to print from GTK+ apps jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


When printing from GTK+ apps (or, at the very least, gedit and Firefox), users are presented with a dialog requiring them to authenticate. The user's Kerberos password is accepted and results in job submission (and printing). Regular command-line printing works fine and does not require authentication, so I suspect this is an issue of something trying to be smarter than the user.


#1293 wontfix username.dialup persistent DNS service adehnert

Reported by adehnert, 12 years ago.


One option for fixing #1176 would be for the load balancing infrastructure to automatically preferentially send you to your preferred dialup. (Another, the wrapper script approach from comment:3:ticket:1176, seems more annoying for users.)

AIUI, given the way ssh and the dialups work right now, we could easily do this by having a DNS server that handled or so and maintained a persistent mapping of username -> dialup. Ideally, we could convince IS&T to take and maintain this, but SIPB running such a service would be a useful second choice. In any case, Jon suggests that prototyping such a service is a good first step.

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