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Results (49 - 51 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#156 fixed Everything should check ATHENA_USER broder broder

Reported by broder, 16 years ago.


We've established $ATHENA_USER as your Athena username when it's distinct from $USER.

debathena-dotfiles will currently set ATHENA_USER=$USER if it's otherwise unset, but I think that the various clients that check $USER should be modified to check $ATHENA_USER first in case debathena-dotfiles isn't installed.

#170 fixed elinks fifo problem in debathena-login broder broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


debathena-linerva currently replaces elinks with a wrapper that keeps it from trying to open a fifo in your homedir (which you can't do in AFS).

The script should be changed to conditionalize on DEBATHENA_HOME_TYPE. It should be separated into its own packge. That package should divert elinks, but not depend on it, so that it'll work if elinks happens to be installed. And the new package should be added to debathena-locker.

#175 fixed mitmailutils ignore $ATHENA_USER broder andersk

Reported by andersk, 15 years ago.


mitmailutils should use $ATHENA_USER instead of $USER, if it is set.

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