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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#233 wontfix 3D apps mostly suck on 745s with radeon drivers jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 16 years ago.


See ATN-57 (attached in PDF) for context. 3D applications have window refresh issues.

Gaussian, ac3d and Maya are much more usable under Jaunty than Intrepid, but Gaussian still complains in the console.

The 755s (with radeonhd) are fine, and the 760 is fine with the radeon driver. This really only affects the 745s. I don't want to get in the business of forcing fglrx on one type of hardware only.

I propose we document the brokenness and encourage people to use a 755/760.

#1510 fixed 3partysw new package request alexp

Reported by alexp, 10 years ago.


ChemE teaching faculty hjkulik request for avogadro package, for 10.437 in Fall

#991 duplicate 790s have trouble rebooting? kaduk

Reported by kaduk, 13 years ago.


After recovering from #975, I went to exit the busybox shell and reboot into the new system, but the system is stuck at:

Sent SIGKILL to all processes
Requesting system reboot
[ 6254.834743] Restarting system.

Let's wait and see if issues crop up elsewhere ...

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