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Results (61 - 63 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1234 worksforme Please display (bring back) seconds in the login screen! jhawk

Reported by jhawk, 12 years ago.


We miss them! Geoffrey says, "Oh, by the way, I think we can display seconds on the login screen trivially with GDM 3. You should file a ticket."

So here we go. It'd be great to have them back.


#1266 worksforme lightdm-greeter sometimes spins on get_authenticated_user() jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.


Hotline and anecdotal information has suggested that there's some new failure mode, whereby machines come up fine, but attempting to log in causes the greeter to spin. However, networking clearly works. I'll note that a new dbus and a new bind9 showed up fairly recently, and I'm inclined to think that accountservice (started via Dbus) is not starting soon enough, or something, since subsequent attempts work. I initially thought this might be #1259, but now I'm not so sure.

 LP:996791 shares some of these symptoms, and lightdm.log is complaining about FindUserByName?

#30 duplicate Convert debathena-gdm-config to the new config-package-dev interface acrefoot tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 16 years ago.


The debathena-gdm-config package should be converted to use the new config-package-dev interface, described at Instructions are available at Note this package uses the obsolete interface and should be switched to use the new interface.

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