Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#102 fixed Set default speaker volume to 0 on cluster machines. wdc

Reported by wdc, 16 years ago.


For systems in the Athena clusters, we want to set the default speaker volume to 0. (This was originally flagged in email by ghudson.)

#103 wontfix Log root commands on cluster systems. wdc

Reported by wdc, 16 years ago.


For security Athena cluster systems should log all commands executed as root.

#104 fixed Make "setup" command work for bash wdc

Reported by wdc, 16 years ago.


Need to make setup command work for bash as part of migration to bash from tcsh. (Originally flagged by ghudson)

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