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Results (76 - 78 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#447 fixed Update login session options for new gdm in karmic rbasch

Reported by rbasch, 15 years ago.


We will need to update our login session customizations for the new version of gdm in karmic. Needed changes include:

  1. Stop diverting /usr/share/gdm/BuiltInSessions/default.desktop, which does not exist in the new version. I believe this was only diverted to change the name (from "Run Xclient script"). "GNOME" is the new default session name.
  1. Our NOCALLS session is not displaying its blurb to the user, apparently because the message function is no longer available in the new /etc/gdm/Xsession. (It looks like we have other Xsession.d files using message).
  1. Review the new set of session options (in /usr/share/xsessions/). Stock set includes "GNOME", "Failsafe GNOME", and "xterm", and we will again add our "Login Without Customizations" here. We can remove the gnome-failsafe and xterm session files on cluster machines, to match what we do in the old version. We can consider adding another .desktop file if "GNOME" is deemed unsatisfactory.
#934 THERE IS NO BUG STOP REOPENING Update libnss-nonlocal's multiarch support geofft

Reported by geofft, 13 years ago.


We currently build lib32nss-nonlocal on amd64 and lib64nss-nonlocal on i386. We should probably update to real multiarch support on releases that support them; see also ticket #933 for more context. (I'm filing this as a separate ticket since the process is likely to be a bit different, and since we'll need to poke the places where we currently explicitly depend on the lib32/lib64 packages.)

#944 fixed update-language-def is broken in Natty jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 13 years ago.


and causes a ton of spew during the installation.

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