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Results (85 - 87 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#842 duplicate Once Pharos is here, stop BrowsePolling jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


Once Pharos is here, we should stop BrowsePolling?. Instead, cupsys-config and cluster-cups-config should essentially be the same thing, which is a package that adds one queue called "mitprint" (while checking for name collisions). Then all Athena machines will have the cluster and dorm printers pre-configured, and -workstation and lower can do what they like with their departmental printers.

#860 duplicate Begin phasing out printing-config in Fall 2012 jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 13 years ago.


In theory, LPRng queues will no longer exist after June. There is therefore no reason to ever invoke "mit-lpr". I'd like to do a phased transition away from printing-config, with the following stages:

  • Eliminate support for LPRng queues, and begin warning when converting LPRng-style arguments
  • Break LPRng-style arguments

Until the F5 issues suck less, we still can't use stock CUPS, but hopefully this eliminates some complexity.

#862 duplicate Consider a whitelist equivalent for nobuild jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 13 years ago.


We often use nobuild files for cluster-only packages. However, they need to be kept up to date (when a release comes out for which we're not building, we need to add it to the file). Instead, we should consider a "buildonly" file, in which we whitelist releases, and only build for those, no matter how many releases have come online in the interim.

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