Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#886 workaround Unlocking screen messes with zwgc's auth cfox

Reported by cfox, 13 years ago.


When I type my password into gnome-screensaver, my running zwgc loses the ability to authenticate incoming zephyrs (can be fixed with 'zctl load /dev/null')

My .bash_environment messes with $KRB5CCNAME which may confound matters; however, my running gnome-screensaver has the same KRB5CCNAME value in its environment.

(Highly reproduceable on my workstation, which is 32 bit lucid.)

#1481 fixed Unity puts non-ephemeral data in XDG_CACHE_HOME jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 10 years ago.


Unity is dumb, and puts its first-run stamp (which determines whether it tells you about the keyboard shortcuts, among other things) in XDG_CACHE_HOME. Which, for us, is on /var/run, so you get this popup each time. I've filed a bug, but we should consider doing something about this, possibly putting our own flag file in ~/.config, and pre-populating XDG_CACHE_HOME at login time for a few white-listed files. (Hopefully just one, but you never know.

#813 invalid Unity has rendered our docs and screenshots obsolete jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


Because there's no longer a Firefox icon, a Help icon, or separate Places or System menus.

Also, I bet our various panel code and disabling things like Hibernate and Sleep are even more broken, but that's a separate ticket.

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