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Results (100 - 102 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1158 duplicate debathena-cluster-login-config cannot be installed from a tty jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.


I had a machine that barfed in the middle of an update because of networking issues. I said to my self, "no problem, I'll just log in on VT1 and fix it". Except every time it tried to run c-l-c's postinst, it died, because "initctl stop tty1" kills my shell which is running it. I had to start up ssh, log in there, and run dpkg --configure -a. Admittedly, this is unlikely to happen in the wild, but it's still dumb.

#1198 duplicate Make linerva-shellinabox-config part of Debathena achernya

Reported by achernya, 12 years ago.


linerva-shellinabox-config is a useful little package that sets up shellinaboxd and sslh. This is useful outside of linerva (especially athena.dialup) and should be made part of Debathena.

This should probably go into a "servers" pocket, as it's not something most users want, or should be using.

#1270 duplicate new package request for debathena-thirdparty alexp

Reported by alexp, 12 years ago.


Please add iwidgets4 to debathena-thirdparty. It's needed by an application (espresso) that I maintain in a locker.

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