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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#94 duplicate Improve visual appearance of Athena Login Greeter wdc

Reported by wdc, 16 years ago.


The debathena greeter's graphic design made perfect sense for a long time: Looking like the previous generation of Athena login screen, it did a nice job of being different by being anachronistic.

Looking ahead to Athena 10 as the replacement for Athena 9, we want the first thing people to see to make them say, "Hey cool! I want Athena 10!". This starts as a minor priority, but I believe it is a requirement for Athena 10 cluster roll-out.

#95 fixed Names for session types need improvement. wdc

Reported by wdc, 16 years ago.


I got tripped up by the names of the different sessions, and whether the change I was making was a permanent or a transient one.

This issue tracks refinement of that session choice display until we've got something that Athena Cluster users will find usable.

#102 fixed Set default speaker volume to 0 on cluster machines. wdc

Reported by wdc, 16 years ago.


For systems in the Athena clusters, we want to set the default speaker volume to 0. (This was originally flagged in email by ghudson.)

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