Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1322 fixed Raring build. jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.


We need to build for raring. This entails:

  • Updating machtype's rules file, building it, and releasing to -dev before we do anything stupid.
  • Ideally waiting for the libathdir rebuild.
  • The usual build process

machtype done in debathena-machtype 10.2 (committed)

#1319 fixed Better SIAB certificate on dialups adehnert

Reported by adehnert, 12 years ago.


When I go to I get a SIAB session and the world is wonderful. Unfortunately, if I go to, I get the same cert (which isn't signed for department-of-alchemy) and thus a cert warning. For people using screen+SIAB, each host should have a SubjectAltName of their actual hostname or do SNI.

#1318 fixed config-package-dev 5.0 does not work with transform sources jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.

$ cat debian/debathena-kerberos-config.transform 
/etc/krb5.conf.debathena </usr/share/kerberos-configs/krb5.conf.template debian/transform_krb5.conf.debathena

Results in: diversion of /usr/share/kerberos-configs/krb5.conf.template to /usr/share/kerberos-configs/krb5.conf.template.debathena-orig by debathena-kerberos-config

Because of this line:

push @displacefiles, $source;

Here's a patch:

diff --git a/dh_configpackage b/dh_configpackage
index fcc3abe..942766f 100755
--- a/dh_configpackage
+++ b/dh_configpackage
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ foreach my $package (@{$dh{DOPACKAGES}}) {
             doit("install", "-d", $destdir);
         complex_doit(@$line, "<", $source, ">", "$tmp/$file");
-        push @displacefiles, $source;
+        push @displacefiles, $file;
     # Add code to postinst to add/remove diversions as appropriate
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