Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (16 - 18 of 1145)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1177 fixed sslh on the dialups? adehnert

Reported by adehnert, 13 years ago.


To transition the name over to athena.dialup, we want users to be able to ssh in on port 443, in addition to using shellinabox or whatever (see #1178).

#1178 fixed shellinabox on the dialups? adehnert

Reported by adehnert, 13 years ago.


To transition the name over to athena.dialup, we want users to be able to use shellinabox (or similar) to connect with just a browser.

(See also #1177.)

#1180 fixed Policy on scheduled downtime and reboot announcements adehnert

Reported by adehnert, 13 years ago.


If we're moving our users to athena.dialup, it would be nice if there were an established policy on scheduling downtime and announcing reboots for the dialups.

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