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Results (178 - 180 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#804 fixed cluster-cups-config should spool directly to Pharos printers jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


The Pharos release team desires all cluster workstations to spool directly to the Pharos printer. This requires a couple of things:

  • cluster-cups-config needs to be edited to include the Pharos queue, and remove the existing queues that are becoming Pharos
  • testing to ensure that the wrappers DTRT
  • does the Pharos queue accept PDF? If not, we'll need to discourage people from using "Print to LPR" with GTK+ apps.
#841 fixed cluster-cups-config should use lpadmin in its postinst, not ship printers.conf jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


CUPS will happily scribble over parts of printers.conf it disagrees with, so we should stop doing this, and use lpadmin. We'll need to do this for Pharos anyway.

#736 fixed cluster installer prompts for VG overwrite when installing on a completely empty disk jdreed amb

Reported by amb, 14 years ago.


The cluster installer should work unattended, but instead it needs an installer to manually select "Yes". If this option (partman-lvm/confirm_nooverwrite) is set to true, however, installs blow up fatally with a "VG name already in use" error. See  LP:154086.

We might just want to have the cluster installer write a trash partition table out to disk first. We could possibly also punt LVM.

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