Ticket #1462 (closed task: fixed)

Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

Punt debathena-build-depends

Reported by: jdreed Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: Current Semester
Component: -- Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in version: debathena-workstation 1.12, debathena-debian-dev 0.5
Upstream bug:


Per discussion on the mailing list, we should drop debathena-build-depends, because the code to generate it is ugly, and modern build tools automatically resolve build-dependencies, including disjunctions. Building Debathena packages without a modern build tool is not a supported operation.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by jdreed

  • Status changed from new to review

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by andersk

Although we don’t need debathena-build-depends for the purpose of building Debathena packages, it’s still a way that we pull in packages. Has somebody checked which set of packages would no longer be pulled in, and whether we want to pull them in some other way?

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by jdreed

I believe this to be the set of packages that we don't otherwise pull in:

  • Tools: automake1.10, automake1.9, autotools-dev, bison, config-package-dev, debathena-aclocal, dh-buildinfo, grep-dctrl, python-all-dev*, python-pyrex, python-setuptools*, python-support*, schroot*
  • Libraries: comerr-dev, libdb-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, libhesiod-dev, libkrb5-dev, libncurses-dev, libopenafs-dev, libpam0g-dev, libreadline-dev, libssl-dev, libxt-dev, libzephyr-dev, ss-dev,
  • Packages which are/will be obsolete: debathena-libathdir-dev, debathena-libxj-dev, debathena-libgms-dev, debathena-liblocker-dev, debathena-maybe-ubufox

There are some oddballs:

  • we have python-all-dev via -thirdparty, but not via -workstation
  • we have python-setuptools via -extra-software-nox (wat?)
  • we have schroot via -reactivate (not on -workstation, obviously)
  • we have python-support via all the python packages ever.

So I propose the following:

  • debathena-debian-dev adds dependencies on: gnulib (which gets us autotools-dev, current automake (1.11

), and bison), config-package-dev, dh-buildinfo (as long as we have CDBS packages around), grep-dctrl, python-all-dev, python-pyrex, python-setuptools, python-support, and debathena-aclocal

  • We drop automake 1.10 and 1.9 because that's dumb.
  • I could do either way on schroot -- it's vaguely useful, but is kind of a large hammer if you're not going to use chroots.
  • We drop the various library -dev packages. The only one that has widespread appeal is libreadline-dev. I could be convinced to throw these into ... something (-thirdparty)?

alexp: Do you need any of the -dev packages listed above when building things? Should we put them in -thirdparty?

comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by vasilvv

  • Status changed from review to committed

committed  43c8b81e8ebb550c473526978099fb131ede438e (Remove debathena-build-depends) to master. (patch originally from jdreed@…)

comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by vasilvv

committed  795c02bdfb37975ce3633b7b695ac871acd76103 (Remove debathena-build-depends) to master

comment:6 Changed 10 years ago by jdreed

comment:7 Changed 10 years ago by jdreed

committed  d4e65994c582e9bd250c03ffea4d651b50c4601a (Import dependencies from debathena-build-depends) to master

comment:8 Changed 10 years ago by jdreed

  • Status changed from committed to development
  • Fixed in version set to debathena-workstation 1.12, debathena-debian-dev 0.5

comment:9 Changed 10 years ago by jdreed

  • Status changed from development to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed
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