Ticket #244 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

tex-config may not configure tex completely

Reported by: jesstess Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: Summer 2009 Deployment
Component: -- Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in version:
Upstream bug:


Some further investigation is needed, but it seems like tex-config (or maybe something else?) isn't completely configuring the format cache correctly. Jessica reported getting the following when she tried to TeX a beamer file today:

kpathsea: Running mktexfmt latex.fmt
fmtutil: config file `fmtutil.cnf' not found.
I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!

Running fmtutil-sys --all fixed the problem. Maybe tex-config's postinst should run that instead of fmtutil-sys --refresh?

Change History

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by broder

  • Status changed from new to proposed

I've made the change suggested in the description and uploaded it to proposed. I consider this to be a Mostly Harmless change, so I'll plan to move it to production on Friday.

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by broder

  • Status changed from proposed to closed
  • Resolution set to fixed

Moved fix to production

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