Ticket #644 (new enhancement)

Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

Migrate back from ~/.gconf-debathena-* to ~/.gconf

Reported by: andersk Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone: The Distant Future
Component: -- Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in version:
Upstream bug:


Debathena currently uses ~/.gconf-debathena-lsb_release -c (e.g. ~/.gconf-debathena-lucid) instead of ~/.gconf. (See debathena-gconf2-config.) This was done in an effort to separate the Debathena settings from the Athena 9 settings, and also to sidestep certain problems when migrating back and forth between different distros in a mixed-distro environment; Ubuntu generally only guarantees distro changes to work in the forward direction.

At some point, we should consider migrating back from ~/.gconf-debathena-* to the normal ~/.gconf. I don’t think we have the problems which that solved to nearly the same extent anymore.

Change History

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by andersk

Ubuntu generally only guarantees distro changes to work in the forward direction.

Actually, broder points out that gconf  mandates:

“Config keys must be backward AND FORWARD compatible. What this means is that if I log in from two places, using two versions of an application, with the same gconf database, then nothing should break.”

so any Ubuntu behavior violating this is a bug. The only known example of such a bug is the panel configuration being updated incompatibly on login (and that’s very likely fixed by now; we haven’t seen it since ~feisty).

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