Ticket #671 (new enhancement)

Opened 14 years ago

integration tests for debathena-printing-config

Reported by: geofft Owned by:
Priority: low Milestone: The Distant Future
Component: printing Keywords:
Cc: Fixed in version:
Upstream bug:


So, debathena-printing-config has lots of little unit tests, which is nice, but there are some functions like common.get_default_printer() and common.get_cups_uri() that are just mocked out in the unit tests, and not tested themselves, because they are exceedingly hard to unit test in a meaningful way. The former, for instance, talks to the local CUPS server, to the socket module to get its own hostname, and to Hesiod, and does essentially no other processing: mocking out CUPS, socket, and Hesiod would push the test towards uselessness because any errors of logic in the function can just get carried over to the test.

However, we've had stupid errors in these functions (see #665), and it would be good to have tests for that the cups module and that Hesiod continue to behave the way we expect. So we should write integration tests that do use the actual local cupsd and actual Hesiod.

Possibly this should be accomplished by having a VM for Debathena automated tests, and assigning clusterinfo to it.

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