


15:54 Changeset [24921] by amb
Desupport jaunty.
15:50 Ticket #757 (Stop building for Jaunty) created by jdreed
15:49 WorkflowPolicy edited by amb
15:39 Ticket #680 (Remind Jaunty users that the world ends in October) closed by jdreed
fixed: Done. The mails also included a plea to subscribe to release-announce, as …
15:38 Changeset [24920] by jdreed
Bump version
15:15 Changeset [24919] by jdreed
Be louder about non-64bit machines
14:54 Changeset [24918] by jdreed
Slightly less ugly
14:52 Changeset [24917] by jdreed
Add architecture type to login screen
14:42 Changeset [24916] by jdreed
Update for Vostro and remove sarcasm
14:11 Ticket #756 (debathena-branding in gdm-config fails for 1440x900 resolutions) created by jdreed
The "Welcome toAthena" window overlaps the login window, though it's still …
13:43 Ticket #648 (Installer bails on Lucid due to poor interaction with bind9 and resolvconf) closed by amb
fixed: This fix had been deployed.
13:36 Ticket #666 (Ask mirrors.mit.edu maintainers to upgrade lighttpd) closed by amb
fixed: No problems with mirrors.mit.edu have been noted recently, so yay.
13:16 Ticket #557 (Update PXE installer for Lucid) closed by amb
fixed: This got fixed a while ago. We're still using a front-end loader which …


12:19 Changeset [24915] by amb
Desupport 32-bit installs.


18:32 Changeset [24914] by amb
Detect and report the install architecture before the "press return to continue" prompt.
17:03 PackageNamesWeDidntUse edited by xavid


16:55 Milestone Fall 2010 completed


02:34 Ticket #755 (install-debathena.sh destroys freshly-installed Maverick systems) created by geofft
If you haven't done an apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade or equivalent …


16:43 Changeset [24913] by geofft
Revert r24911. I meant to get this reviewable by Christmas (the behavior about xsnow exiting was a bit buggy) but didn't.


03:01 PackageNamesWeDidntUse edited by mitchb
debathena-wait-you-wanted-that-sys_open?-config from broder (diff)


16:13 Ticket #754 (save-cluster-info needs a manpage) created by jdreed
Presumably in section 8, as it's in /usr/sbin.
16:12 Ticket #753 (save-cluster-info has hardcoded version number) created by jdreed
save-cluster-info passes "10" as the version number when calling …


12:49 Changeset [24912] by geofft
install-debathena: Fix typo


21:08 Changeset [24911] by geofft
In gdm-config: * Merry Christmas!
13:13 Ticket #752 (Debothena should respond to Rebecca commands) created by jdreed
In particular, I should be able to say "Debothena, go away" and have it be …


10:25 Ticket #751 (Begin de-support effort for Hardy) created by jdreed
It is now time to start ramping down support for Hardy. Lucid has been …


23:51 Ticket #750 (man page for blanche(1) missing many options) created by kevinr
Many of the options listed in blanche's --help text aren't listed in …


16:34 Ticket #749 (run ntpdate in reactivate) created by geofft
Apparently sometimes cluster machines get their clock skewed far enough …


22:36 Ticket #748 (two quota warnings, one saying that you're out of quota) created by geofft
Presumably if you have more than 99.5% quota, you get two quota warning …


16:04 Ticket #747 (rebuild live CD) created by geofft
The last live CD we have is Jaunty, i.e., EOL'd.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.