- 19:58 Changeset [25583] by
- In ldso1-stub: * Initial release. (Trac: #476)
- 14:55 Ticket #880 (associate .ram files with RealPlayer) closed by
- wontfix: The world (and OCW) have moved on to Flash. And VLC works. And all the …
- 14:46 Ticket #1155 (jmol, gcco requested for thirdparty) created by
- Please add the following to thirdparty: jmol, jmol-applet …
- 10:25 Changeset [25582] by
- In sendbug: * Make the bug report questions clearer, give the user some guidance on using archaic TTY editors
- 10:05 Ticket #1154 (Setting EDITOR=emacs by default is stupid in 2012) created by
- OTOH, "emacs" is guaranteed to work in tty and X11 mode. I supposed we …
- 20:37 Changeset [25581] by
- Remove typo'd snark, replace with real comment.
- 20:30 Changeset [25580] by
- Add Trac closer
- 20:29 Changeset [25579] by
- In gdm-config: * In a multiple monitor setup, like all the cool kids have, position the branding and welcome windows on the primary monitor
- 17:20 Ticket #1150 (dasource should refuse to work for "UNRELEASED" packages) closed by
- fixed
- 17:05 Changeset [25578] by
- Don't build UNRELEASED packages
- 16:56 Ticket #674 (alpine renders html non-breaking space incorrectly) closed by
- invalid
- 16:50 Changeset [25577] by
- In kiosk: * Make postinst idempotent (Trac: 770)
- 16:15 Ticket #1149 (Re-snapshot moira at r4081 for SITE locker support) closed by
- fixed: Moved to production. By 8pm + desync(6 hours) it will be fully deployed.
- 17:03 Changeset [25576] by
- In reactivate: * Bump Standards-Version
- 17:00 Changeset [25575] by
- In reactivate: * dbus-daemon-launch-helper moved in precise
- 16:39 Changeset [25574] by
- In lightdm-config: * It's GLib.GError, not Glib.Gerror
- 16:34 Ticket #1153 (recovery-mode-config broken on Precise) created by
- Precise has the filesystem in read-only mode in recovery-mode. We should …
- 16:22 Changeset [25573] by
- Cleanup: move cupsys-hack from toplevel of attic to debathena subdir
- 16:20 Changeset [25572] by
- Move tex-bin to attic
- 16:08 Changeset [25571] by
- In tex-config: * Remove build dependency on debathena-tex-bin, since we no longer support non-texlive releases (e.g. Etch)
- 16:04 Ticket #669 (tex-config does not like being installed or uninstalled) closed by
- fixed
- 16:00 Changeset [25570] by
- In firefox-extension: * Don't symlink onto something that exists
- 14:54 Ticket #1046 (Kill debathena-tex-bin) closed by
- duplicate: Dupe of #590
- 14:22 Changeset [25569] by
- Don't screw with networking/hostname if we passed the right stuff to the installer
- 13:53 Changeset [25568] by
- In reactivate: * Actually install the diverted lightdm-session.debathena file
- 13:18 Changeset [25567] by
- Actually add the install.log queries, instead of just adding them to the 'queries' output.
- 13:13 Changeset [25566] by
- Add a Makefile for installing athinfod
- 13:13 Changeset [25565] by
- Support serving the athena installation log over athinfo
- 12:39 Changeset [25564] by
- In thirdparty-libraries: * Temporarily depend on libopencv-core-dev until libcv-dev is restored
- 12:31 Changeset [25563] by
- In thirdparty-libraries: * Demote wine and libcv-dev to recommendations pending fixing of upstream bugs (LP #974504, #954209, #975967)
- 10:33 Changeset [25562] by
- Support -bleeding repository
- 10:21 Ticket #1152 (Deal with Secure Boot on Windows 8-era hardware) created by
- Windows 8 requires that all hardware shipped with it pre-installed have …
- 15:09 Ticket #1151 (Fix skewed packages in production) created by
- archive-keying: 1.4 [hardy lucid squeeze] 1.3 [natty oneiric precise] …
- 14:59 Ticket #988 (Installer should warn about IPs with no hostnames in stage1) closed by
- fixed
- 12:15 Changeset [25561] by
- Move lightdm-launch-kiosk to correct location in source tree
- 12:15 Changeset [25560] by
- Move lightdm-launch-kiosk to correct location in source tree
- 12:15 Changeset [25559] by
- Cleanup unnecessary imports
- 11:54 Changeset [25558] by
- In lightdm-config: * Explicitly set the text and id columns of the ComboBox to work around GtkBuilder bugs * The greeter needs to keep track of whether the user hit Cancel or not in LightDM 1.0 (oneiric)
- 17:21 Changeset [25557] by
- In kiosk: * Support launching from lightdm
- 17:19 Changeset [25556] by
- In lightdm-config: * Support kiosk browsing
- 16:00 Changeset [25555] by
- Use variables we actually set in case statements; add missing ;;
- 15:19 Changeset [25554] by
- Set a parent for the MessageDialog
- 14:26 Changeset [25553] by
- In kiosk: * Don't launch the kiosk mode if an update is in progress (Trac: #1006)
- 12:31 Ticket #1024 (upgrade.log is not queryable over athinfo) closed by
- fixed: We fixed this forever ago
- 12:31 Ticket #1043 (Net install maybe sucks?) closed by
- worksforme: Can't repro on any current hardware, and don't have access to the failed …
- 12:29 Ticket #1065 (Installing debathena-thirdparty uninstalls debathena-workstation) closed by
- worksforme: Can't repro on Natty or Precise.
- 12:28 Changeset [25552] by
- In moira-gui: * Fail if we can't auth to moira.
- 12:01 Ticket #913 (Come up with an awesome way to manage nobuild files) closed by
- fixed
- 11:47 Ticket #1098 (deprecate lprng syntax in printing-config) closed by
- fixed
- 11:47 Ticket #1115 (debathena-discuss compile fails under Wheezy) closed by
- fixed
- 11:47 Ticket #864 (libgms' temporary cache doesn't exist) closed by
- fixed
- 11:47 Ticket #964 (getcluster(1) is full of lies) closed by
- fixed
- 11:46 Ticket #603 (edsc should deal with unexpected discuss errors) closed by
- fixed
- 11:46 Ticket #1134 (debathena-moira FTBFS) closed by
- fixed
- 11:46 Ticket #1133 (debathena-syslog FTBFS) closed by
- fixed
- 11:46 Ticket #1076 (Get rid of -branding packages) closed by
- fixed
- 11:46 Ticket #1055 (update_server is enabled on all fresh installs because of broken dpkg ...) closed by
- fixed
- 11:45 Ticket #888 (Pull in new moira) closed by
- fixed
- 11:45 Ticket #556 (chsh.moira shouldn't use /etc/shells) closed by
- fixed
- 11:44 Ticket #1116 (debathena-grenew compile fails under Wheezy) closed by
- fixed
- 11:26 Changeset [25551] by
- In firefox-extension: * Don't release packages with an distribution of "UNRELEASED" * No other changes from previous version
- 11:24 Ticket #1150 (dasource should refuse to work for "UNRELEASED" packages) created by
- Packages with a codename/suitename of "UNRELEASED" should not be released, …
- 11:20 Changeset [25550] by
- In bugme: * Minor UI tweaks; this won't always be used on a "Quickstation" * Add a "Log out" button to the warning dialog, in case the user somehow minimized the kiosk browser and can't get it back
- 13:28 Changeset [25549] by
- Actually add and install the gconf-tree.xml
- 13:26 Changeset [25548] by
- In kiosk: * Add a gconf-tree.xml to prevent [redacted] (Trac: 1130) * Tweak wording on home page.
- 12:01 Changeset [25547] by
- In moira: * Re-snapshot moira at r4081, to pick up client changes for lockers of type 'SITE'
- 11:49 Changeset [25546] by
- Speak fitly or be silent wisely.
- 11:33 Changeset [25545] by
- In lightdm-config: * The show-message callback takes 3 args, not 2.
- 10:45 Ticket #1149 (Re-snapshot moira at r4081 for SITE locker support) created by
- #888 notwithstanding, I'm going to put moira r4081 into -dev today, per …
- 00:40 Changeset [25544] by
- In reactivate: * Remove unnecessary invocation of cp(1)
- 19:07 Changeset [25543] by
- Fail for IPs without hostnames
- 19:01 Ticket #975 (ttf-msttcorefonts-installer postinst fails when ubuntu-desktop is pulled ...) closed by
- fixed: Geoff's patch made it into oneiric. We don't care about an SRU anymore, I …
- 12:25 Ticket #901 (usb-creator-gtk doesn't work on cluster) closed by
- worksforme: I can't repro this anymore. I wonder if this was related to our …
- 11:31 Ticket #1148 (Bump PXE server to Precise pending HW support) created by
- At some point, Dell will likely come out with new hardware. It may or may …
- 09:34 Ticket #925 (Order of sanity checks in installer is stupid) closed by
- fixed
- 09:32 Ticket #613 (recommend debathena-standard automatically if laptop-detect) closed by
- fixed: This got pushed out a while ago.
- 09:25 Changeset [25542] by
- In pam-config: * Explain that Kerberos errors can be caused by @ signs (Trac: #612)
- 09:25 Ticket #612 (adding "@mit.edu" on the login screen gives "Cannot contact the Athena ...) reopened by
- 09:18 Changeset [25541] by
- In lightdm-config: * Explain how to type a username correctly
- 09:12 Ticket #612 (adding "@mit.edu" on the login screen gives "Cannot contact the Athena ...) closed by
- wontfix: Fixed for lightdm, in that "getent joeuser@… passwd" returns an …
- 08:48 Changeset [25540] by
- Fix typo in changelog
- 23:04 Changeset [25539] by
- In lightdm-config: * Scale the background, since most displays are not 2560x1600 * Bump the scaling factor on the owl, the previous values were when we were in an additional window and could obscure the greeter * Disallow logins when we're taking an update
- 17:44 Changeset [25538] by
- In reactivate: * Transform the schroot fstab in the schroot config script to deal with the /run transition
- 16:34 Ticket #1147 (getty.debathena doesn't work in Precise) created by
- Pressing Enter does not in fact return you to your session.
- 16:31 Ticket #1146 (Make reactivate work with Precise) created by
- I've already diverted lightdm's session wrapper the same way we did to …
- 15:57 Changeset [25537] by
- In machtype: * hostname -f can fail and grep -Fqxi '' can return true * define the quickstation file at the top
- 14:41 Changeset [25536] by
- In reactivate: * Set NSS_NONLOCAL_IGNORE when running getent, because we care about local gruops, not Hesiod ones * Add the user to "sudo" as well, since "admin" is gone in Precise (LP: 893842) * Use SESSION_ID, not CHROOT_NAME in schroot setup script. SESSION_ID was always right, and CHROOT_NAME simply happened to match it due to a bug (Debian: 623828) * Also divert lightdm-session (lightdm's session wrapper) and wrap it in snapshot-run
- 13:29 Ticket #1145 (Switch to apt-get for installer) created by
- aptitude is unable to resolve the dependencies needed to install …
- 12:31 Changeset [25535] by
- In gdm-config: * Update athena-session for the Unity world
- 11:14 Changeset [25534] by
- Don't build on old releases
- 11:08 Changeset [25533] by
- No, really, use the correct dependency
- 11:06 Changeset [25532] by
- We don't want --debug when xinitrc calls bugme Depend on correct version of bugme
- 10:50 Changeset [25531] by
- In login-graphical: * Maybe depend on lightdm-config.
- 10:44 Changeset [25530] by
- >> is not the same as >=
- 10:40 Changeset [25529] by
- Depend on lightdm 1.0.6 or later Encourage the user to use lightdm via debconf if they're using another dm
- 21:30 Ticket #1144 (kiosk doesn't work with FF >7) created by
- 21:29 Changeset [25528] by
- In kiosk: * Support Firefox through November, at which point we should give up and switch to Chrome
- 21:23 Changeset [25527] by
- Depend on new version of bugme with --fatal support
- 21:21 Changeset [25526] by
- In kiosk: * Terminate kiosk sessions after 15 minutes. Patch from Luke Faraone
- 21:20 Changeset [25525] by
- In bugme: * Add a feature which forces a logout after a 1.5x the "allowed" duration (Trac: #830 and #831). Patch from Luke Faraone. * Allow speciyfing Glade file on command line for debugging * Minor UI tweaks
- 20:27 Changeset [25524] by
- Remove duplicate test for nonzero exit status Nuke /auto-upgrade in case it's sticking around from a failed upgrade
- 18:03 Ticket #875 (nobuild files should live in svn) closed by
- fixed
- 18:00 Ticket #958 (config-package-dev needs to use `LC_ALL=C dpkg-divert --list`) closed by
- fixed: Was pushed out a while ago.
- 18:00 Ticket #998 (xsession: hotline isn't the contact for private machines) closed by
- fixed: This got pushed out.
- 17:50 Ticket #1049 (config-package-dev can’t transform non-conffiles files in Multi-Arch: same ...) closed by
- fixed: c-p-d 4.13 made it into production a while ago.
- 16:58 Changeset [25523] by
- 12:29 Changeset [25522] by
- In firefox-extension: * Add additional Help menu items
- 12:21 Changeset [25521] by
- 'fi' does not terminate 'for' loops
- 17:26 Ticket #1143 (nss_nonlocal allegedly breaks with recent glibc) created by
- In the discussion on sssd-devel about security equivalent to nss-nonlocal, …
- 12:17 Changeset [25520] by
- In firefox-extension: * Clean up from when ubufox.js moved to /etc/xul-ext
- 10:57 Ticket #1058 (/etc/firefox-3.0/pref/ubufox.js transition not managed well) closed by
- duplicate: See #865
- 18:30 Changeset [25519] by
- In firefox-extension: * Sync extension version number with package version number * Support Gecko 2.0, because apparently the XPCOM component hasn't worked since Firefox 3.x * Switch to XPCOMUtils.jsm for the XPCOM scaffolding (break compatibility with Firefox 2 and earlier)
- 17:06 Ticket #1142 (-workstation should not install build-depends) created by
- If you want to build Debathena software, go install build-depends …
- 14:06 Ticket #1141 (Consider a flag file which disables the dialup's sshd sanity checking) created by
- Consider ~/.let-me-shoot-myself-in-the-foot or something that disables the …
- 13:15 Changeset [25518] by
- bump wheezy tag for a psuite=squeeze rebuild
- 12:18 Ticket #1140 (Switch to authenticated mail path) created by
- Unauthenticated mail is on its way out, and we should not waste time …
- 02:03 Changeset in config-package-dev [9350e97] by
- mastergeofftjdreed-docsmaster-plus-renamerenametrac-867-interpolatetrac1358Reverse {pre,post}rm maintainer script fragments when DH_COMPAT ≥ 6, not 5 Reported-by: Geoffrey Thomas <geofft@mit.edu> Signed-off-by: Anders Kaseorg <andersk@mit.edu>
- 19:56 Changeset [25517] by
- Bump wheezy tag
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.