


12:44 Ticket #1467 (Blacklist vgab16fb because VTs during the install are painfully slow) created by jdreed
The solution to slow VTs seems to be adding "blacklist vga16fb" to …


11:52 Ticket #1466 (Firefox 29 broke printing from PDF.js) created by jdreed


15:05 Ticket #1465 (add messes up local paths) created by jdreed
The new 'add' does not correctly detect local paths, nor does it honor -f …


14:43 NewBuildSystem edited by jdreed
11:17 Ticket #1464 (Write a one-size-fits-all metrics/data gatherer) created by jdreed
We should write our own one-size-fits-all metrics/data gatherer to replace …
10:31 Ticket #1034 (Advocate for the death of the reg applet) closed by jdreed
fixed: The reg applet is dead. Long live the web form. We should kill off the …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.