


18:59 Ticket #1516 (extra packages needed for 3partysw) created by alexp
Please add the following to the release to enable various thirdpartysw …
16:22 Ticket #1515 (tty/ssh sessions should notify about AFS quota) created by jdreed
quotawarn is only invoked for xsessions, for some reason.
15:36 Ticket #1514 (python-pip is broken on 14.04) created by jdreed
10:53 Ticket #1513 (Add trimage to thirdparty) created by jdreed
We have a request to add the 'trimage' package (in universe) to cluster …


15:00 InterMapTxt edited by jdreed
14:57 Ticket #1512 (Disable the stupid GRUB diskfilter error message) created by jdreed
Because GRUB still can't deal with LVM in 2014, but tries to anyway, you …
10:01 Ticket #1511 (Consider changing scratch space on cluster) created by jdreed
While the RAM disks are now up to at least 2GB on most systems (and 2GB is …
09:44 Ticket #1508 (File OpenAFS bug about apparmor) closed by jdreed
duplicate: Yeah, so, this is a dupe of #1370.


17:34 Ticket #1510 (3partysw new package request) created by alexp
ChemE teaching faculty hjkulik request for avogadro package, for 10.437 in …


10:19 Ticket #1509 (apparmor specifies the wrong xauth path on Trusty) created by jdreed
Fixed in apparmor-config, but tracking upstream bug here anyway.
09:51 Ticket #1508 (File OpenAFS bug about apparmor) created by jdreed
In some cases, apparmor is convinced that a user process is directly …


18:04 Ticket #1507 (unity's lock screen has no way to force a log out on Trusty) created by jdreed
The functionality simply does not exist. A possible workaround might be …
18:02 Ticket #1506 (Using "Shutdown/Reboot" from indicator-session doesn't work on Trusty ...) created by jdreed
Your gnome session gets stuck in "Ending" state, and everything vanishes …


13:19 Ticket #1505 (apparmor is overly paranoid about dconf profiles) reopened by jdreed
This is still broken on Trusty, because upstream is once again paranoid, …


19:23 Ticket #1505 (apparmor is overly paranoid about dconf profiles) closed by jdreed
16:10 Ticket #1505 (apparmor is overly paranoid about dconf profiles) created by bbaren
On Precise machines, attempting to open evince dumps core: […] I’ve …
15:30 Ticket #922 (Track commit review better) closed by jdreed
15:25 Ticket #713 (Login without customizations should be more insistent) closed by jdreed
15:23 Ticket #352 (GDM's ~/.xsession-errors should be useful for AFS homedir users) closed by jdreed
fixed: Upstream fixed this by moving to $XDG_CACHE_HOME/gdm/session.log. Of …
15:20 Ticket #1494 (machtype on trusty is wrong) closed by jdreed
15:19 Ticket #1404 (Fix machtype for raring and saucy) closed by jdreed
15:19 Ticket #1461 (auto-update shouldn't run update-hook out of /var/run) closed by jdreed
15:19 Ticket #1473 (Actually remove browsepolling from cupsys-config) closed by jdreed
15:19 Ticket #84 (xdsc crashes on adding a meeting) closed by jdreed
15:18 Ticket #1414 (libcyrus-imap-perl22 is transitional) closed by jdreed
15:14 Ticket #727 (build-all: stamps directory should be less silly) closed by jdreed
15:14 Ticket #355 (pyhesiodfs logs every /mit/* symlink creation to syslog) closed by jdreed
15:13 Ticket #227 (Improve semantics of attach/detach and add) closed by jdreed
15:12 Ticket #1504 (superrepro has path inconsistencies) created by jdreed
For getcluster, the submodule is in "debathena", but the path is "athena". …
14:33 Ticket #1299 (login without customizations doesn't work sometimes) closed by jdreed
14:32 Ticket #1432 (Fix dotfiles cshrc to not use tcsh-isms) closed by jdreed
14:30 Ticket #1438 (Update our mail client configs to support Exchange GSSAPI) closed by jdreed
fixed: Someone who cares about mutt should open a ticket and propose a patch.
14:28 Ticket #1492 (debathena-cupsys-config's init script fights with Upstart in Trusty) closed by jdreed
14:27 Ticket #1489 (dconf-config sticks around after an uninstall) closed by jdreed
14:26 Ticket #1485 (Configure gtk print backends for gtk3) closed by jdreed
14:26 Ticket #1478 (policy-rc.d in reactivate gets scribbled over by d-i, and is also obsolete) closed by jdreed
14:26 Ticket #1468 (devscripts-el cannot be installed in the same transaction as emacs) closed by jdreed
14:26 Ticket #1462 (Punt debathena-build-depends) closed by jdreed
14:26 Ticket #1423 (Disable Amazon, etc. search results in the Lens) closed by jdreed
14:26 Ticket #1238 (Support for Unity and Upstart user sessions) closed by jdreed
13:43 Ticket #1503 (dabuildsys should accept both package names and directory names) created by jdreed
If possible, dabuildsys should consider accepting both package names and …
13:41 Ticket #1502 (More verbose error handling in dabuildsys) created by jdreed
In particular, there's a lot of subprocess.check_output() calls, and it's …


15:55 Ticket #1501 (ensure reactivate's session-cleanup script is idempotent) created by jdreed
Due to an upstream bug, calling LightDM.cancel_authentication() causes the …


16:14 Ticket #1500 (gvfs prevents Precise chroots from ending cleanly) created by jdreed
For a while, we've been hearing sporadic reports that workstations are …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.