


04:33 Ticket #1556 (debathena-plymouth-config does nothing on Debian) created by andersk
debathena-plymouth-config doesn’t work on Debian, where Plymouth themes …
04:19 Ticket #1447 (libnss-nonlocal is not installable on jessie) closed by andersk
fixed: Fixed with a binary rebuild of libnss-nonlocal …
04:02 Ticket #1555 (debathena-extra-software has unmet dependencies on jessie) created by andersk
[…] * compizconfig-settings-manager was removed from jessie for RC …
04:01 Ticket #1553 (debathena-firefox-wrapper fails to install with iceweasel) closed by andersk
duplicate: Duplicate of #1078.
03:51 Ticket #1554 (debathena-lightdm-config fails to install on non-Upstart systems) created by andersk
After commenting # I hope this doesn't break the world., …
03:48 Ticket #1553 (debathena-firefox-wrapper fails to install with iceweasel) created by andersk
iceweasel in wheezy now diverts /usr/bin/firefox, so …
03:43 Ticket #1552 (pyhesiodfs install fails because fuse group is gone in jessie) created by andersk
The fuse group is gone in jessie ( Debian:733312), so …


17:39 Ticket #1551 (additional packages for debathena-thirdparty) created by alexp
I'm installing a TeX/LaTeX GUI editor, Texmaker, requested for Athena. …


14:20 Ticket #1549 (Re-snapshot moira at 4184) closed by jdreed
fixed: Moved to production.
09:14 Ticket #1550 (Disable whoopsie/apport on cluster machines) created by jdreed
For reasons unclear to me, one of the lightdm child processes occasionally …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.