source: trunk/athena/bin/mitmailutils/ @ 24300

Revision 24300, 6.7 KB checked in by geofft, 15 years ago (diff)
In mitmailutils: * Switch from Hesiod to using * so we can use GSSAPI authentication (Trac: #403). * Because of a Cyrus SASL bug (documented in that ticket) regarding parsing long encrypted responses, set maxssf to zero to send mail in the clear. This isn't as terrible as it sounds because mail travels in the clear on the public Internet anyway, and a bunch of client programs (Pine on Athena 9, for instance) don't use encryption, and the major use of mitmailutils is `from` and `mailquota` anyway. Patch based on one from Jonathan Reed <>.
1#!/usr/bin/perl -w
3# $Id:,v 1.4 2004-09-03 20:40:31 rbasch Exp $
5# Get the total size of, and number of messages in, mailboxes on an
6# IMAP server.
8use strict;
9use warnings FATAL => 'all';
10use Cyrus::IMAP;
11use Getopt::Std;
13sub usage(;$);
14sub get_usage($);
15sub send_command(@);
16sub list_callback(@);
17sub fetch_callback(@);
18sub number_callback(@);
19sub close_and_errorout($);
20sub close_connection();
21sub errorout($);
23sub usage(;$) {
24    print STDERR "mailusage: $_[0]\n" if $_[0];
25    print STDERR <<EOF;
26Usage: mailusage [<options>] [<user>]
27  Options:
28    -h <host>     query <host> instead of default post office server
29    -m <mailbox>  query for <mailbox> only (default is all)
30    -n            suppress the header line
31    -r            query recursively for all mailbox descendents
32    -s            display only subscribed mailboxes
33    -d            turn on debugging
35    exit 1;
38# Parse the command line arguments.
39my %opts;
40getopts('dh:m:nrs', \%opts) || usage;
41my $username = shift @ARGV || $ENV{'ATHENA_USER'} || $ENV{'USER'} || getlogin || (getpwuid($<))[0] ||
42        errorout "Cannot determine user name";
44usage "Too many arguments" if @ARGV > 0;
45my $debug = $opts{'d'};
46my $host = $opts{'h'} || (gethostbyname("$"))[0];
47errorout "Cannot find Post Office server for $username" unless $host;
48errorout "Exchange accounts are not supported yet. Try" if $host =~ /EXCHANGE/;
49my $mbox = $opts{'m'} || '*';
50my $noheader = $opts{'n'};
51my $recurse = $opts{'r'};
52my $list_cmd = ($opts{'s'} ? 'LSUB' : 'LIST');
54# Connect to the IMAP server, and authenticate.
55my $client = Cyrus::IMAP->new($host) ||
56    errorout "Cannot connect to IMAP server on $host";
57unless ($client->authenticate(-authz => $username, -maxssf => 0)) {
58    close_connection();
59    errorout "Cannot authenticate to $host";
62# Get all mailboxes of interest.  %mailboxes is a hash whose keys are
63# the mailbox names; the values are hashes with "attributes" and
64# "delimiter" keys.
65my %mailboxes = ();
66$client->addcallback({-trigger => $list_cmd,
67                      -callback => \&list_callback,
68                      -rock => \%mailboxes});
70# First list the given mailbox.
71send_command("$list_cmd %s %s", '', $mbox);
73# If recursing, also list all descendents of the mailbox, unless the
74# given name contains a trailing wildcard.
75send_command("$list_cmd %s %s%s*", '', $mbox, $mailboxes{$mbox}{delimiter})
76    if ($recurse && $mailboxes{$mbox} && $mailboxes{$mbox}{delimiter} &&
77        $mbox !~ m/\*$/o);
79if (%mailboxes) {
80    # We now have all of the mailboxes of interest.  Get and display
81    # the total size and number of messages for each one.
82    foreach my $name (sort keys %mailboxes) {
83        # Skip any mailbox that cannot be selected.
84        next if $mailboxes{$name}{attributes} =~ m/\\Noselect\b/;
85        my ($size, $nmsgs) = get_usage($name);
86        unless ($noheader) {
87            print "Size in KB   #Messages  Mailbox\n";
88            $noheader = 1;
89        }
90        printf("%10d  %10d  %s\n", int(($size + 1023) / 1024), $nmsgs, $name);
91    }
92} else {
93    close_and_errorout "No such mailbox \"$mbox\"";
96# We are done talking to the IMAP server; close down the connection.
99# Subroutine to obtain the usage for a given mailbox name.  It returns
100# the total size, i.e. a sum of sizes of all messages in the mailbox,
101# and the number of messages.
102sub get_usage($) {
103    my $mbox = $_[0];
104    my %usage = (totalsize => 0, msgcount => 0);
105    my $exists = 0;
106    my $cb_numbered = Cyrus::IMAP::CALLBACK_NUMBERED;
107    $client->addcallback({-trigger => 'EXISTS', -flags => $cb_numbered,
108                          -callback => \&number_callback,
109                          -rock => \$exists});
110    # Select the mailbox for read-only operations.
111    send_command("EXAMINE %s", $mbox);
112    # If this mailbox has messages, fetch their size.
113    if ($exists) {
114        # The fetch callback will update the values for totalsize and
115        # msgcount in the %usage hash.
116        $client->addcallback({-trigger => 'FETCH', -flags => $cb_numbered,
117                              -callback => \&fetch_callback,
118                              -rock => \%usage});
119        send_command("FETCH 1:* RFC822.SIZE");
120    }
121    return ($usage{totalsize}, $usage{msgcount});
124# Subroutine to send a command to the IMAP server, and wait for the
125# response; any defined callbacks for the response are invoked.
126# If the server response indicates failure, we error out.
127sub send_command(@) {
128    my ($fmt, @args) = @_;
129    printf("Sending: $fmt\n", @args) if $debug;
130    my ($status, $text) = $client->send('', '', $fmt, @args);
131    print "Response: status $status, text $text\n" if $debug;
132    errorout "Premature end-of-file on IMAP connection to $host"
133        if $status eq 'EOF';
134    close_and_errorout "IMAP error from $host: $text"
135        if $status ne 'OK';
138# Callback to parse a LIST (or LSUB) response for a mailbox name
139# and its attributes and delimiter.
141# The response contains three elements, of the form:
143#     (<attribute> ...) <delimiter> "<name>"
145# For example:
147#     (\HasChildren) "." "INBOX"
149# The delimiter is either a quoted single character, e.g. ".",
150# or NIL.
152# The "-rock" hash element is a reference to a hash to which we add a
153# key for the mailbox name, with its value being a hash with "attributes"
154# and "delimiter" keys.  For a NIL delimiter, the returned value is undef,
155# indicating a flat name.
156sub list_callback(@) {
157    my %cb = @_;
158    print "In LIST callback: text $cb{-text}\n" if $debug;
159    return unless $cb{-text} =~ m/^\(([^\)]*)\)\s+(?:"(.)"|NIL)\s+"(.+)"/o;
160    ${$cb{-rock}}{$3} = {attributes => $1, delimiter => $2};
163# Callback to parse the response from a "FETCH ... RFC822.SIZE"
164# command for one message. The "-rock" element is a reference to a
165# hash containing totalsize and msgcount keys, whose values will be
166# updated accordingly.
167sub fetch_callback(@) {
168    my %cb = @_;
169    print "In FETCH callback: text $cb{-text}\n" if $debug;
170    if ($cb{-text} =~ /RFC822.SIZE\s+(\d+)/io) {
171        ${$cb{-rock}}{totalsize} += $1;
172        ${$cb{-rock}}{msgcount}++;
173    }
176# Callback to parse a numeric value.  The "-rock" element is a
177# reference to the scalar in which to store the number.
178sub number_callback(@) {
179    my %cb = @_;
180    print "In number callback: keyword $cb{-keyword}, number $cb{-msgno}\n"
181        if $debug;
182    ${$cb{-rock}} = $cb{-msgno};
185# Close the connection to the IMAP server, and error out.
186sub close_and_errorout($) {
187    close_connection();
188    errorout $_[0];
191# Logout from the IMAP server, and close the connection.
192sub close_connection() {
193    $client->send('', '', "LOGOUT");
194    # Set the client reference to undef, so that perl invokes the
195    # destructor, which closes the connection.  Note that if we invoke
196    # the destructor explicitly here, then perl will still invoke it
197    # again when the program exits, thus touching memory which has
198    # already been freed.
199    $client = undef;
202sub errorout($) {
203    print STDERR "mailusage: $_[0]\n";
204    exit 1;
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