Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (160 - 162 of 1145)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#150 broder fixed Tab completion for athrun

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


It shouldn't be too hard to write-up tab completion for the the second (and subsequent) argument(s) to athrun. We should write it up and drop it in /etc/bash_completion.d

#155 broder duplicate acroread attempts to use CUPS-specific optoins to lpr

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


acroread seems to sort of half-grok CUPS - well enough to query the library for a list of CUPS printers, but instead of printing through the library, it shells out to lpr.

It also passes -o options of one sort or another, which doesn't work currently, because our lpr almost always shells out to mit-lpr, so you get a popup to the effect of:

The following error occurred while printing...
'lpr: illegal option 'o'
Usage: lpr [-Pprinter@host]] [-A] [-B] [-Cclass] [-Fformat] [-G] [-Jinfo]


I'm...not sure if I'm actually interested in investing effort in fixing this, given that the long-term strategy is to actually use CUPS.

#156 broder broder fixed Everything should check ATHENA_USER

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


We've established $ATHENA_USER as your Athena username when it's distinct from $USER.

debathena-dotfiles will currently set ATHENA_USER=$USER if it's otherwise unset, but I think that the various clients that check $USER should be modified to check $ATHENA_USER first in case debathena-dotfiles isn't installed.

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