Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (184 - 186 of 1145)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#242 kchen invalid view_home setting in .owlconf gets overridden

Reported by kchen, 15 years ago.


In my .owlconf's owl::startup, I have: owl::comamnd('set view_home std');

When I start barnowl, though, "show variable view_home" says that the current value is "all".

barnowl should not override the value of view_home. Ideally, barnowl will also start with the specified value of view_home in use.

#250 geofft jhawk wontfix zwgc fonts are too big

Reported by jhawk, 15 years ago.


Under debathena, zwgc uses fonts that are too large. /etc/zwgc_resources defines the default medium font as:

*fontfamily.default.medium.roman: -adobe-courier-medium-r-*-120-*-m-*

And under Debathena, this can be any of these eight fonts:

[kid-icarus!jhawk] ~> xlsfonts -fn '-adobe-courier-medium-r-*-120-*-m-*'

The 17 pxlsz fonts are unreasonably large. The 12 pxlsz fonts match the size of windowgrams under Athena 9.

I'm not sure if there is a larger problem (why do fonts get bigger under DebAthena?? Are other applications broken?); I'm also not sure what the right fix is (change zwgc's font specification to be more specific? Reorder the font path? Something more clever?)


p.s.: reminder, the fontspec is fndry-fmly-wght-slant-sWdth-adstyl-pxlsz-ptSz-resx-resy-spc-avgWdth-rgstry-encdng, per xfontsel.

#253 broder fixed PXE preseed needs additional option for Jaunty

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


The PXE installer will currently prompt once on Jaunty installs. I believe that adding the following to the preseed file should eliminate it:

partman-auto-lvm/guided_size max

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