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Results (250 - 252 of 1145)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#520 broder fixed chsh(1) is made of lies

Reported by broder, 14 years ago.


The chsh(1) manpage (which is the one that comes with the passwd package) talks about taking a -s option to specify a shell. chsh.moira doesn't take a -s, though. We should probably be providing our own manpage that explains just what our chsh does.

#521 broder fixed chsh.moira doesn't take -s

Reported by broder, 14 years ago.


The Moira chsh doesn't take a -s argument to specify a shell on the command line, requiring instead that you specify the shell interactively.

This should be an easy patch. We should write it and get it to Garry.

#522 jdreed workaround rgb.txt missing in Jaunty

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


Programs which want to look at the rgb database (like, say, "showrgb") get to go cry in a corner because it's missing. This has been the case since Intrepid.

It vanished from upstream Xorg as part of the whole "you don't get to configure your X server anymore" campaign, but plenty of applications still want it.

It's finally back in Karmic as part of x11-common, but we might want to still care about Jaunty. The Ubuntu bug is marked as "fixed" despite the fact that it's not.

Read the awesome bug report:

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