Custom Query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#458 Non-BSD CUPS clients should choose the correct server defect normal wontfix 15 years
#788 (some) printer2 queues are broken geofft defect normal workaround 14 years
#1017 mitprint should be the default printer defect normal fixed 13 years
#184 CUPS should support zephyr notification of print job status defect low fixed 16 years
#677 [printing] 9050s rotate A4 documents defect low wontfix 14 years
#741 tab completion of printer names enhancement trivial wontfix 14 years
#568 mit-lp isn't lp defect insignificant invalid 15 years

Status: new (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Resolution Created
#1601 buster: debathena-cupsys-config fails to install Pharos printers defect normal 5 years
#671 integration tests for debathena-printing-config enhancement low 14 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.