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Results (88 - 90 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#159 fixed ~/.pinerc sometimes refers to geofft geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


On amd64-test I am running a version of debathena-alpine-config that hardcodes po15, and uses an undebathenified alpine, which is the config we intend to deploy once the other POs support krb5.

If I try to send mail (which wants a sent-mail folder) or manually create a Spamscreen folder, it fails because stock alpine can't parse

This config only appears in my own .pinerc:

amd64-test:~ geofft$ grep hesiod /etc/pine.conf
amd64-test:~ geofft$ grep hesiod .pinerc
folder-collections="MIT Mail" {}INBOX.[],

So we're going to need to figure out how to override or overwrite the local user's folder-collections when we deploy the krb5 debathena-alpine-config.

#163 fixed debathena-auto-update should know about apt-release clusterinfo geofft broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


Soon, hopefully, machines in various Moira clusters around campus will have "production", "proposed", and/or "development" values for the "apt-release" key in clusterinfo.

debathena-auto-update should know about that key, and adjust /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debathena.list accordingly when it runs.

This allows us to configure cluster machines (and other workstations) to take updates from -proposed and -development without having to ever physically manipulate the machines.

#178 fixed debathena-auto-update should start logging sooner geofft broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


Right now debathena-auto-update doesn't start logging until it actually tries to run the update. This leaves you with no output in the log, though, if the aptitude update step fails, making the problem impossible to diagnose over athinfo.

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