Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#321 wontfix AFS cache should not be snapshotted geofft

Reported by geofft, 16 years ago.


I don't think we do anything special to make the AFS cache not snapshotted. This means that any AFS activity is going to be very slow because the cache gets read from and written to a lot, which Quentin theorizes makes acroread slow, and probably makes the entire login slow come to think of it. We should probably push out an update to the clusters to create another LV for the cache and mount it.

#322 wontfix Installer should verify installability amb jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 16 years ago.


Currently, it is possible to end up with a b0rked machine (say, because the openafs modules aren't available for a new kernel version) via the PXE installer. This is bad. Thankfully, the difference is noticeable enough that it's an inconvenience as opposed to a major problem (ie: the greeter is missing, the ability to log in is missing, etc).

However, users who attempt to install Debathena should either end up with Debathena or with a message saying "Sorry, try again later."

We should make the installer more foolproof.

#330 wontfix lock screen from panel needs multiple tries kaduk

Reported by kaduk, 16 years ago.


If I choose "lock screen" from the power-button-icon dropdown on the panel, there is no effect the first time. Usually on the second attempt it will work, but sometimes it takes four or five tries to see a response. I suspect that this has to do with needing a background gnome-screensaver process before screensaving actually works, though I haven't really investigated what is going on.

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