Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (139 - 141 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#148 fixed Failsafe GNOME isn't actually failsafe jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 16 years ago.


The "Failsafe GNOME" session is currently advertised as a replacement for the Athena 9 "Ignore my customizations" login option, except it's mostly useless. It ignores ~/.xsession, so that's good. It also ignores /usr/athena/lib/init/However, it still runs .cshrc.mine and .environment (because we conditionalize that on $NOCALLS, which athena xdm used to set). So we need to change some things:

  • In /usr/lib/init/{ba,c}shrc, we should set NOCALLS if $GDMSESSION=="GDM_Failsafe.GNOME"
  • The "logout" alias currently depends on XSESSION being set. XSESSION will not be set in a failsafe session, so typing "logout" in a Terminal will get you "Not a login shell."
#149 wontfix Add terminal launcher to GNOME panel broder

Reported by broder, 16 years ago.


We should bring back the terminal launcher on the panel.

It's not the distribution default, but as was pointed out recently, Ubuntu tries to make the terminal unnecessary, while Athena has no such feature.

#150 fixed Tab completion for athrun broder

Reported by broder, 16 years ago.


It shouldn't be too hard to write-up tab completion for the the second (and subsequent) argument(s) to athrun. We should write it up and drop it in /etc/bash_completion.d

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