Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (163 - 165 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#320 worksforme use software from Athena: file exists while symlinking yinchun

Reported by yinchun, 15 years ago.



After I renew and add matlab, it says:

matlab_v7.8: Could not attach locker: File exists while symlinking /afs/ to /mit/matlab_v7.8 acro: Could not attach locker: File exists while symlinking /afs/ to /mit/acro infoagents: Could not attach locker: File exists while symlinking /afs/ to /mit/infoagents

Anything wrong here?

#321 wontfix AFS cache should not be snapshotted geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


I don't think we do anything special to make the AFS cache not snapshotted. This means that any AFS activity is going to be very slow because the cache gets read from and written to a lot, which Quentin theorizes makes acroread slow, and probably makes the entire login slow come to think of it. We should probably push out an update to the clusters to create another LV for the cache and mount it.

#323 fixed debathena-alpine-config broke pine symlink jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


/usr/bin/pine is a symlink to alpine, which is our alpine wrapper. That wants to exec $0.debathena-orig, which if invoked as 'pine', will fail:

jdreed@infinite-loop:~$ pine /usr/bin/pine: line 8: /usr/bin/pine.debathena-orig: No such file or directory /usr/bin/pine: line 8: exec: /usr/bin/pine.debathena-orig: cannot execute: No such file or directory

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