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Results (169 - 171 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#330 wontfix lock screen from panel needs multiple tries kaduk

Reported by kaduk, 15 years ago.


If I choose "lock screen" from the power-button-icon dropdown on the panel, there is no effect the first time. Usually on the second attempt it will work, but sometimes it takes four or five tries to see a response. I suspect that this has to do with needing a background gnome-screensaver process before screensaving actually works, though I haven't really investigated what is going on.

#332 fixed Need to fix /etc/network/interfaces on older installs broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


Cluster machines installed before the fix for #294 was deployed in r23923 still have no DNS at boot, which leaves them without functioning NTP.

We should figure out somewhere to push an update that re-writes the /etc/network/interfaces file as appropriate and reboots. We probably only want to push this fix to clusters.

cluster-login-config has generally been the catch-all for cluster-related issues, so I'm inclined to push it there, unless somebody has a better idea.

#335 wontfix Complain to Ubuntu Tech Board about LP:251242 SRU broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


This was an annoying SRU because it forcibly turned off kexec for everybody. We wanted it on.

We should possibly complain to the Ubuntu Tech Board about this, since it arbitrarily scribbled over users' settings. We might be able to come up with a mechanism to undo the scribbling with some clever use of debconf's seen flag.

I'm milestoning this for the fall because I think it's important to get the feedback to the SRU team sooner rather than later.

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