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Results (172 - 174 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#336 wontfix Shell gives useless error message when a binary's interpreter is missing jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


Running old binaries (ez, for example) produces the incorrect error message "command not found", when what it really can't find is the interpreter.

We opened  LP:335666. We tried to get a patch in the kernel (relevant threads at and

broder notes that in addition to affecting libc5 binaries:

I ran into this bug (or something very like it) when I was working on a cross-compiler toolchain for my phone. Long story, but the short version is that I found the pre-built compiler that Palm was supposedly using, and I was getting ENOENTs when I tried to run them on my Jaunty VM. So I think this is still worth pushing, but through, not through LP.

#337 fixed Create a cronjob on debuild so the LiveCD is rebuilt automatically jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


Before we plug the LiveCD, I'd like to ensure there's a good process for keeping it up to date.

#339 wontfix Build packages for Ubuntu's lpia architecture broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


Ubuntu is currently pushing their "lpia" architecture (which is really just i386 specifically targeted at Intel Atom processors) for low-powered architectures, such as netbooks. In particular, the Ubuntu Netbook Remix (, while available for all architectures is primarily distributed for lpia.

It would be nice to provide lpia builds of Debathena for users running UNR.

This will involve expanding our build tools to know that different distro releases can have different architectures. Looking back at history at the tools from before we eliminated Sarge might be a good starting point.

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