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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#224 fixed Cluster installer should check for sufficient disk space amb jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


The cluster installer should, among other things, check for sufficient disk space before installing. Currently, it will happily install in an 10GB VMware virtual disk, and then it will fail miserably when you attempt to log in. While information is logged to the reactivate log, ~/.xsession-errors is kind of cryptic and just complains about Presession exiting with non-zero status

Previously tracked as ATN-64.

#259 fixed The PXE installer should say Debathena where it currently says Athena 10 amb jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


The PXE menu and the installation process should probably have Athena 10 replaced with "Debathena" in most places before the fall.

#287 fixed Update source filsys entries amb jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


At some point, /afs/dev/source/src-current should be renamed to source-9.4, and a source-9.4 filsys pointer should be created at the same time.

/mit/source should then be repointed to the debathena source (currently in /afs/dev/source/src-svn, which should probably be renamed).

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