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Results (187 - 189 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#358 wontfix debathena-dns-config breaks networking when registration required geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


As far as I can tell, debathena-dns-config sets up bind to start resolving from the global root servers, not whatever DNS servers are provided via DHCP. This makes you sad when you're on a network that depends on redirecting web requests via DNS to a registration page. (For instance, the Middle East's network, although free, requires you to click okay on a web page on every session.)

I haven't tested this with a MITnet-unregistered machine, but it seems like it would be a problem there, too, e.g., if you just installed debathena-workstation on a new machine from PXE.

There appears to be code in /etc/resolvconf/update.d/bind to configure bind's forwarders to be what the other resolvconf sources say your DNS servers should be, which would be a perfect fix. Is that not getting triggered for some reason?

#359 fixed Sending all of dmesg to wslogger is kind of obnoxious geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


cfox reports that the entire kernel boot process is sent to wslogger (see /mit/cfox/Public/hayden-1 for an example); indeed, our syslog transformer adds *.warning;kern,user, @WSLOGGER.MIT.EDU That probably wants to be restricted to only high-priority kernel messages.

#360 wontfix auto-update should clean up .debathena-orig.dpkg-new files geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


On a couple of Debathena machines I use:

sipbadmin@tyger:~$ find /etc -name "*.dpkg-new" 2>/dev/null

dr-wily:~ geofft$ find /etc -name "*.dpkg-new" 2>/dev/null

ozok-the-destroyer:~ geofft$ find /etc -name "*.dpkg-new" 2>/dev/null

kid-icarus:~ geofft$ find /etc -name "*.dpkg-new" 2>/dev/null

Zephyr discussion reminded me that this is due to  a bug in dpkg regarding diverted conffiles that's been fixed in dpkg 1.15. Jaunty and Lenny both still have 1.14, and we more or less still care about them, so we should consider adding code in auto-update to clean these up appropriately.

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