Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (193 - 195 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#368 fixed Change umask to 022 in /usr/lib/init/{ba,c}shrc jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


As per, lets move forward on changing the default umask to 022 (which is what the upstream default is) unless people have objections.

#369 fixed gdm-config needs to be entirely rewritten for Karmic’s gdm andersk

Reported by andersk, 15 years ago.


GDM was rewritten from scratch after Jaunty’s 2.20, and works completely differently.

  • It doesn’t support XML themes.
  • gdm.conf is gone; it’s now configured entirely through gconf.
  • It gives you a user list by default; you need to click “Other…” to get a username textbox. (I think this is configurable?)
  • There’s now a notification area. (Maybe it could be used for running nm-applet inside gdm?)
#372 workaround debathena-thirdparty prevents install of newer, conflicting package versions geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


For instance, libboost-dev is version 1.34, and there's a libboost1.37-dev. They conflict, and attempting to install libboost1.37-dev offers to remove debathena-thirdparty-libraries, debathena-thirdparty, and debathena-cluster, which would then proceed to attempt to remove 1600 dependencies of debathena-cluster. This is highly unfortunate.

Probably all of thirdparty should be Recommendations...

(As a separate issue, do we want libboost1.37-dev instead of libboost-dev?)

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