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Results (205 - 207 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#388 fixed config-package-dev maintainer scripts don’t undivert on deconfigure andersk

Reported by andersk, 15 years ago.


We currently undivert on prerm when [ "$1" = "remove" ]. This should probably be [ "$1" != "upgrade" ], so as to include the deconfigure case as well.

More generally, we should check that we handle  all these cases correctly.

#389 wontfix LiveCD Windows app lacks Debathena branding jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


The Windows app that the LiveCD launches when inserted into a Windows machine lacks branding. I don't know if the "Install from within Windows" option works either, but I'd expect it to.

If we care (we probably don't), we could probably do something clever with the Windows side of things.

#390 worksforme Figure out empathy support broder

Reported by broder, 15 years ago.


Karmic has switched from pidgin to empathy/telepathy as its default IM solution. It's very nicely integrated with the OS - including f-u-s-a and the new global messaging panel icon. However, this leaves us with a couple of problems.

First, I couldn't even get telepathy to connect to the MIT Jabber server on my VM, although that could be user error.

Second, telepathy-gabble (the native Jabber client) doesn't seem to support GSSAPI. We can maybe work around this by using telepathy-haze (the libpurple bindings), but I can't figure out how to create a telepathy-haze Jabber account from the empathy settings. Maybe it's something we can seed by hand.

Oh yeah - and I can't figure out where empathy is storing its account configuration in the first place, although I assume it's somewhere in Gconf.

It would be really, really cool if we could get empathy support online. If not, we should consider conflicting it off of the cluster systems, because I think its panel integration will confuse people using pidgin. On the other hand, users may find it more desirable to use empathy for non-Jabber IM.

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