Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (232 - 234 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1157 fixed lightdm-config's accessibility menu is a stub jdreed jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.


This is leftover from #995. The accessibility "menu" in the "panel" should do something, whether it's toggle between high contrast or open a pickboard or both.

#1156 fixed Entirely new thirdparty infrastructure bbaren jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.


We spend way too much time and effort on updating thirdparty, and have to play stupid games to work around broken dependency resolvers, and the whole thing is just too fragile. I propose a new design for thirdparty that makes everyone's lives easier (where "everyone" is me and alexp), and fixes #372:

Basically, we supply a list of packages (possibly separated into dependencies and recommendations), but I think we can do away with those concepts. This list can be a global list, or it can be per-distro. debathena-thirdparty is a package that knows where to find these lists, copies them locally, and iterates over the packages, apt-get installing each one (presumably not in its postinst, but rather as a cron job, or a trigger at the end of auto-update, or something). If a package fails, it retries. After 3 consecutive failures, it whines, either via athinfo (which we can add a new Nagios check for, or use update-status, or something) or syslog, or whatever. When someone uninstalls thirdparty, we can either remove those packages (again, failing if there are dependency issues), or perhaps mark them as auto-installed or something?


  • Changing the membership of thirdparty is as simple as editing a plain text file, no rebuilds are necessary.
  • We don't have to play stupid dependency games
  • Removal of metapackages is far less likely.
  • Fixes #372
  • Installs possibly go faster as we can relegate this to firstboot or something?


  • We're reverting to what are essentially control files. (Counterpoint: They worked.)
  • There's no longer a hard guarantee that all of thirdparty must be installed for a machine to call itself cluster.

I'm fully aware that using APT is the Right(tm) way to do this. But it causes more trouble than it's worth, IMHO.

#1155 fixed jmol, gcco requested for thirdparty alexp alexp

Reported by alexp, 12 years ago.


Please add the following to thirdparty:

jmol, jmol-applet (thirdparty-simulation) gccgo (thirdparty-languages)

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