Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (241 - 243 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#261 invalid debathena-discuss-server shouldn't assume inetd mitchb

Reported by mitchb, 15 years ago.


When I took the debathena-discuss-server update this morning, I noticed the following message:

The following line will be added to your /etc/inetd.conf file:


If you are indeed using xinetd, you will have to convert the above into /etc/xinetd.conf format, and add it manually. See /usr/share/doc/xinetd/README.Debian for more information.

First, the "\t"s above are literal - they displayed as "\t" on the screen, which is probably an error.

Second, even Hardy, which is the oldest supported Ubuntu release, uses xinetd, so the package should probably know how to detect and configure xinetd correctly.

#280 invalid Helpful bugme notifications stum

Reported by stum, 15 years ago.


In an effort to make quick stations more usable, it would be helpful if the logout reminders that bugme triggers indicates the nearest Athena cluster and the current cluster combo.

#290 invalid Do something awesome with remctl jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


remctl + gssapi has the potential to make our lives much easier and complement athinfo. We should identify these ways and implement them.

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