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Results (247 - 249 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#349 fixed Replace help displayed by panel question mark icon with Athena help rye geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


On at least -cluster machines, we should point people for Hermes and OLC for Athena help rather than to Ubuntu forums etc. The question-mark icon in the panel loads yelp's default front page; this should be configured to display some other Athena-specific text, and possibly link back to the original text.

Note that we don't want to affect yelp's functionality as a help browser for the rest of the system, just its home page.

#962 fixed Add systemd support to pyhesiodfs slz geofft

Reported by geofft, 13 years ago.


It sounds like Wheezy will have systemd, so it'd be nice to add support for it.

Just like lazily/demand-loading everything else, systemd supports demand-loading filesystems by using the autofs kernel interface (this is primarily used for stuff like /sys/kernel/debug and /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc). It'd be nice to demand-load pyhesiodfs on first access to /mit.

Unfortunately, systemd seems to assume that a normal mount entry will suffice, and not start a daemon that will provide some FUSE service or something. We should see if there's a way to associate a .automount file with a .service file instead of a .mount one.

Take a look at  systemd.automount(5) and  systemd.mount(5).

#63 fixed Generate patch for SbuildHack's version munging feature to submit upstream tabbott tabbott

Reported by tabbott, 17 years ago.


I already submitted a patch for our apt-get update feature; if we get this done, we'll be able to remove the perl module part of sbuildhack.

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