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Results (256 - 258 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#281 fixed notify-osd misleadingly reports that print jobs have completed mitchb

Reported by mitchb, 15 years ago.


As noted on zephyr earlier, I printed a document from OpenOffice? to meadow on opus (a Jaunty -cluster machine), and immediately received a notify-osd alert that my print job had completed on meadow. It was actually reporting that it had finished spooling the job to, and of course the job on the printer had yet to start, and might well have gone on to fail.

This is, admittedly, an upstream issue. However, it's going to seriously mislead and screw with all cluster users who won't understand what it really means, so we probably want to try to suppress it. Unfortunately, it is a very nice looking notice interface... too bad it "lies." It might be neat if we could get the old xconsole messages through this interface (though that does have the issue that you can't scroll back to review messages, and if you're away from the keyboard, you'll miss them).

#282 fixed Java breaks new Live CD -workstation installs xavid xavid

Reported by xavid, 15 years ago.


Java fails to install from the Live CD because it doesn't prompt the user for the license. This prevents debathena-workstation from actually successfully installing, and among other things makes aptitude decide it would be a great idea to remove twenty million things next time you try to do anything. I should figure out whatever PXE does to preseed license acceptance and do something similar.

#283 fixed debathena-workstation Live CD install doesn't display feedback xavid xavid

Reported by xavid, 15 years ago.


Since the debathena-workstation Live CD install installs -workstation in the success_command, it doesn't display feedback to the user and generally looks like the machine is frozen. We should figure out how to add it to the other install tasks so it actually reveals it's making progress, especially since it takes about three million years now.

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