Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (262 - 264 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1164 fixed reactivate never actualls runs in lightdm jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.


We need to make use of session-setup-script and session-cleanup-script in [SeatDefaults] in lightdm.conf, which are the equivalents of the gdm-config PreSession? and PostSession? scripts. snapshot-run is just fine, no setup or cleanup is done.

#872 wontfix reactivate needs to recreate /etc/nologin symlink each time the snapshot is created jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


intiscripts apparently scribbled over /etc/nologin (I have no idea how, since this test should not be true: [ ! -L /etc/nologin ] && [ ! -e /etc/nologin ] ). But it did. This caused gdm-config to get an inotify event and now a bunch of cluster machines have "This workstation is out of service". I have pushed gdm-config out, which should gradually fix things, but still.

We should come up with a better solution, or decide that logging in during an update is not a bad thing.

#1499 fixed reactivate needs to bind-mount /sys/fs/cgroup jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 10 years ago.


We should probably just mount /sys with rbind (as we now do with /run) in case it grows more tmpfses.

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