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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#277 wontfix WGFILE not being set breaks send_message alexp

Reported by alexp, 16 years ago.


3rd party software uses send_message in the swtools locker. It breaks if WGFILE isn't set (which it isn't). We should fix send_message, or set WGFILE (though that might be hard to do for people not using Athena dotfiles who might still use 3rd party software).

#145 fixed We should make an Athena plymouth theme tboning broder

Reported by broder, 16 years ago.


Debathena should provide and configure an Athena-specific usplash theme instead of leaving the default Ubuntu logo.

#154 fixed We should implement a zenity dialog for people who are running tracker jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 16 years ago.


As per ATN-30, we should implement a zenity dialog (like we do for people with mode 777 homedirs) that checks for EnableIndexing?=true in ~/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg. It should say something like "You currently have the Tracker indexer enabled. This is known to break AFS. You can disable it by doing $foo".

$foo can either be something like "athrun consult fix-tracker", or we could decide that the number is small enough we should point them at a stock answer on how to edit the file instead.

I note we currently have /etc/X11/Xsession.d/97debathena-homedir-mode. Rather than having a separate script, would it be better to lump these all together in something like debathena-warn-users or something?

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