Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (271 - 273 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#688 fixed damove should accept multiple source packages jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 14 years ago.


I should be able to do something like damove "" "-proposed" debathena-foo debathena-bar.

#1277 fixed dasnapshot doesn't work on Precise jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 12 years ago.


Noting that dasnapshot is actually /mit/debathena/Scripts/snapshot/snapshot and the error occurs in _insert_mirrorrun

Something either Postgres or Ruby changed such that it errors out with

/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/dbd/pg/statement.rb:62:in `execute': ERROR:  invalid input syntax for type timestamp: "17:33:59.000000000" (DBI::ProgrammingError)

The exact same code works fine on zulu. I'll note that magrathea has ruby dbi/dbd installed from the Ubuntu repos, whereas zulu appears to have them built locally.

#1096 invalid dasource should intelligently handle repo URL geofft

Reported by geofft, 13 years ago.


It'd be cool if our tools defaulted to using the public SVN repo URL, and let you configure when you wanted the private URL. (Possibly with a config file in your homedir, maybe even ~/.devscripts.) At the least, it shouldn't hardcode the private URL and also not give even an environment variable to override it.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.