Custom Query (1145 matches)


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Results (283 - 285 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#311 fixed Please add wine to extra-software quentin

Reported by quentin, 15 years ago.


The version of wine in the wine locker does not run well on Debathena; since Ubuntu ships a fully functional wine, we should prefer using that version.

#312 fixed Update Pine default collections for Exchange jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


Now that the Exchange migration is back on, /etc/pine.conf should be updated to include both IMAP and Exchange folder collections. Something like the following should work:

folder-collections="MIT Traditional IMAP" {${ATHENA_USER:-$USER}}INBOX.[],
 	"MIT Exchange IMAP" {${ATHENA_USER:-$USER}}[],
        "Old MH Mail" #mh/[],
        "Local Pine Mail" ~/mail/[]

The names of the collections can be changed, if need be. This doesn't change the Inbox-Path, of course, but at least makes it easy for people to access both their IMAP and Exchange folders without having to venture into the Pine configuration screen.

#313 invalid stella should be able to ignore DNS jdreed

Reported by jdreed, 15 years ago.


Stella attempts to canonicalize the hostname before performing the moira lookup. However, DNS frequently does not agree with reality, so it would be nice if stella could be told to just run get_host on the user input.

I suggest --ignore-dns or --no-really

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