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Results (286 - 288 of 1145)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#622 fixed PXE installer should accept a hostname in addition to an IP address jdreed geofft

Reported by geofft, 15 years ago.


We know the DNS servers at that point in the install process, I'm pretty sure, so we can just resolve the hostname. This is useful because I'm much more likely to (reliably) know the hostname of the system in question than its IP address, especially in places like W20-575 where the hostname indices are roughly one off from the last IP octet. (Except where it isn't.)

#897 fixed PXE installer sets non-cluster hostnames to install-target-host jdreed geofft

Reported by geofft, 14 years ago.


There's code in the jaunty to set the hostname to install-target-host (to suppress a prompt?) and fix it up later in so that you get a reasonable hostname. However, the fixup is inside a conditional testing whether this is a cluster install, so that never runs for non-cluster PXE installs.

#260 fixed PXE installer: make danger as obvious as possible nocturne

Reported by nocturne, 16 years ago.


In the Athena-10 PXE-installer menu, (c.f., I'd suggest rephrasing option (1) to make it as obvious as possible to a casual/careless user that this option erases all their data.

Instead of "Perform an unattended Athena 10 install, WIPING OUT your ENTIRE DISK", I might suggest "DESTROY ALL DATA ON your COMPUTER'S DISK and perform an unattended Athena 10 install", which both mentions the erasure before "Athena 10", and is somewhat more readable to particularly naive users than "wipe out your disk".

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